Showing posts with label market. Show all posts
Showing posts with label market. Show all posts

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Ladywell Christmas Market needs YOU!

The Ladywell Christmas Market will take place on Sat 3 December on Ladywell Road at the junction with Algernon Road. We need marshals for the event.

It is a Council requirement that enough marshals are present - and visible - for the whole time that the market is in operation.  We have 8 high-viz jackets to loan out - now we just need the people to wear them.

Please can you let me know if you are able to make a commitment and volunteer for a short while at this event?  It is one of the few times that the community gets together and puts something on and it would be a pity to let it die away due to lack of volunteers.

Please can you let me know if you are available throughout the whole day,  or only for the morning, over lunch or in the afternoon and early evening.

Nicholas Springman

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Ladywell Christmas Market - Sat 6th December

Following the great success of last year's market, this year's Christmas Market in Ladywell will be taking place on Saturday 6th December.
Applications for stalls are available from Slater & King on Ladywell Road or by emailing - £45 if you have your own insurance or £55 if not. There are only a limited number of stalls, so be quick!

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Ladywell Christmas Market on 14 Dec - volunteer stewards needed

After all the argy-bargy over the Ladywell Road streetscape works, Ladywell businesses have been given Council go-head for a Ladywell Christmas Market to be held on the new, widened pavement on Sat 14 December between 11.00am and 4.00pm.
There’ll be creative crafters, brilliant bakers and fabulous food producers offering their locally-made Christmas gifts, plus hot mulled wine to warm you up and a rousing chorus of festive fun!
BUT the organisers need stewards on the day to keep the crowds under control – so if you can donate an hour or two of your time to help with stewarding, please email with the times you are available.  Every little helps!

The Ladywell Christmas Market would like to thank Sebastian Roche estate agents for their generous sponsorship this year.

Robert Sheppard



Thursday, 20 September 2012

Ladywell Christmas Market is ON!

The ever popular Ladywell Christmas Market will take place again this year, on Saturday 15 December. Our events team is looking for volunteers, especially those with marketing, PR and publicity and fundraising skills to come and join us and make this happen. Please email if you're interested and have some spare time!

As previously, there will festive cheer, local craft and food stalls, seasonal drinks and treats, and opportunities to snap up some last minute Christmas presents.

If you'd like to reserve a stall, please email - as soon as possible to avoid disappointment!

A big thank you to everyone at last night's Ladywell Assembly who supported funding to cover the upfront costs of the Market.

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Join us for the Christmas Market benefit gig

LVIG will be holding a benefit gig at the Ladywell Tavern on Saturday 10th October to raise funds towards the costs of the Ladywell Christmas Market.

For your entertainment and enjoyment, live music is provided courtesy of local band The Grey Cats (including an LVIG committee member playing saxophone!).

Come and join us from 8pm for great music and dancing and help make this a Christmas Market to remember!

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Agenda for Meeting 16th September 2009

7.30pm Wednesday 16 September 2009
The Tank Art Gallery, Ladywell Road, SE13 7HS

This meeting is open to the public - we'd be delighted to see you there!

1. Update on Committee members
2. Autumn/ Winter planting
Finalise date
Sponsor a Tree! proposal
3. Ladywell Walking trail
4. Streetscape update – stocktake of outstanding Council actions
5. Dates for the Diary . . .
Christmas Market
LVIG Benefit Night 10th October
6. Publicity round up/ LVIG newsletter (Lara/ Eleanor)
7. Any Other Business

Sunday, 26 October 2008

Next Christmas Market meeting Tuesday 28th October

8pm @ 200 Adelaide Avenue

We need to drum up ideas for fundraising, think about local crafts-people who may want to book a stall and talk about rallying the troops to help out on the day. We need volunteers to marshall pedestrians, litter pick and man fundraising stall(s).

Hope to see you there and share with you how the plans are coming along.