Following a lull in activity during last year's streetworks, LVIG is now priming itself for a new push over the next 2+ years to ensure that Ladywell develops as a sustainable, vibrant and attractive retail centre with thriving businesses in every premises. As part of this we are keen to work with landlords and traders to improve buildings and work with the Council and others on enforcement, planning issues etc. to improve the Ladywell public realm for everyone.
It's planned to hold a public meeting and AGM on Tuesday 18 March (venue to be confirmed) at which all present can elect a new LVIG Committee for 2014/15 and at which we can seek to prioritise some of the possible actions LVIG might pursue during this period.
If you're likely to have a few hours a week spare time over the next year and share LVIG's vision for Ladywell please do think about putting your name forward for one of our Committee positions - Chair, Vice-Chair & Treasurer, Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Membership Secretary, Comms & Events Officer and Deputy Comms & Events Officer. We need new blood to help drive forward this agenda so do email ladywell.info@gmail.com to let us know what you have to offer and which position might interest you.
Those of us who've been involved in LVIG over the last 5 years have enjoyed the challenge and the achievements, made great friends and found working together most rewarding, especially our periodic meetings at the Ladywell Tavern! So get on board!
Robert Sheppard, LVIG Deputy Secretary