Thursday, 23 October 2014

Save Fossil Road's historic lampposts

Residents in and around Fossil Road are campaigning to save their historic lamposts which are to be replaced, under the controversial and oft-criticised Skanska contract, by bland modern lampposts. There are few similar examples in our increasingly bland and characterless Lewisham streetscape and one has to feel very sypathetic to the petitioners' goal.  Surely refurbishment to acceptable modern standards, albeit with some costs attached, must be an option?
They have set-up a petition to Sir Steve Bullock.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Ladywell Christmas Market - Sat 6th December

Following the great success of last year's market, this year's Christmas Market in Ladywell will be taking place on Saturday 6th December.
Applications for stalls are available from Slater & King on Ladywell Road or by emailing - £45 if you have your own insurance or £55 if not. There are only a limited number of stalls, so be quick!

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

New Ladywell CPZ Consultation closes THIS WEEK

The Council is currently consulting on a new CPZ at the top of the hill which could, if approved/implemented, include Vicars Hill and roads either side of Shell Road.  For full details see map on the Council website.

The consultation finishes at the end of the week.

Robert Sheppard

Ladywell Fields User Group - get involved!

The Ladywell Fields Park User Group will meet as follows.

Tues 2 Dec 2014 (AGM - to be held at the Gallery, r/o the Ladywell Tavern, Ladywell Road)
Tues 31 March 2015
Tues 30 June 2015
Tues 29 Sept 2015
Tues 1 Dec 2015

Meetings will always start at 7.30pm and the venue will be booked/publicised closer to each date - but likely either to be the Ladywell Tavern (Gallery), the Environmental Education Centre (in the Park), the hut at the Adventure Playground (in the Park) or The Town Hall, Catford.

If you're a regular user of the Park and have the skills and interest, please email to put yourself forward for election, at the 2 December AGM , for the position of Chair, Secretary or Treasurer as the current incumbents, Tony Rich and Robert Sheppard, have been undertaking these roles for 10+ years now and will be happy to pass over the reins.
Robert Sheppard

Wednesday, 1 October 2014