Friday, 24 January 2014

Ladywell Village - the Achievements, and the Challenges for 2014

Some things looking good . . .
Clean, wide, well-drained pavements - with 'traditional' benches

Plenty of short-stay bays (signs yet to be erected)

Despite appearances these flats are almost ready for occupation we hear - just the windows to do . . .

One 'missing tooth' in the Ladywell smile - at the junction of Ladywell Road with Malyons Road.  A few family houses would be a nice addition, but a supermarket is more likely.

A nice business opportunity for someone, but El's Kitchen will be a hard act to follow!

But some eyesores still to be tackled . . .
Highly visible on the corner of Gillian Street, but in a sorry state
A garish jumble of signs and window stickers
Shopfronts that make no contribution to the streetscape
And some enforcement issues to be addressed . . .

Trolley outside the newsagent on Algernon Road

Bins left on the pavement day after day